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Amla Candy


Amla candy is a popular Indian treat made from Indian gooseberries, also known as amla. Here’s a closer look at amla candy, including its preparation, benefits, and cultural significance:

Amla candy is typically made by preserving pieces of amla in sugar syrup or by drying amla slices coated with sugar or jaggery (unrefined cane sugar). The amla pieces are often candied to enhance their sweetness and make them more palatable, especially since amla itself is quite sour and tangy.


Rich in Vitamin C: Amla is renowned for its exceptionally high vitamin C content, which provides powerful antioxidant properties. Vitamin C supports immune function, skin health, and helps combat oxidative stress in the body.

Antioxidant Properties: Amla contains potent antioxidants such as polyphenols, flavonoids, and tannins, which contribute to its ability to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Digestive Health: Amla is known to promote digestion and help regulate bowel movements due to its fiber content. It can aid in alleviating constipation and supporting overall digestive health.

Hair and Skin Health: The vitamin C and antioxidants in amla are beneficial for maintaining healthy hair and skin. Amla is often used in various hair oils, shampoos, and skincare products for its nourishing properties.

Ayurvedic Benefits: In Ayurvedic medicine, amla is considered a rejuvenating herb known as a rasayana. It is believed to promote longevity, enhance vitality, and balance the three doshas (body energies).


This is made of dehydrated amlas(gooseberries), added with sugar. As one would expect, it is simple sweet, bitter, sour flavour of the amla is strengthen by the sugar. This product cause many health benefits. It is rich in Vitamin C and therefore perform as an antioxidant which prevents cancer.

Weight N/A
Weight (Gm)

100 Gm, 250 Gm, 500 Gm